Tuesday 1 January 2013


Good morning to everyone! let me introduce myself. My name's AMINA and I'm from Vietnam. Now i'm 22 years old. Like everyone, i have got schoolarship to study in AIU. First day i came here, actually my english was very bad. i could not understand whatever everyone talked. I felt so stressful at that time. However, After i studied 6 months IEP, my english was improved. Now i can speak and understand everyone. Studying in AIU gave me a lot of experience. Sometimes, i feel i can't do it, but i try to overcome and now i'm a foundation student. It's really good for me. I have met so many people from difference country. We communicate and make friends. Study here, sometimes, i missed my family, but i thought i had to success, because i wanted to help my family, help my parents. I'll try my best to be success person.
Let talk about foundation programme. FSP is a difficult program for me. This trimester i have 5 subject: IT, english, algebra, communication skill and C&L. IT i didn't understand anything. However now i can understand it. I have studied about internet, how to create a blog and how to create a website. It's really interesting me. I like to do blog. Besides, i have learnt about information management, IS and development of IS. Algebra is a subject that i don't need to spend my time much. Because all of problems i have studied in my country and i can solve all of problems about maths. Communication skill helps me improve and develop my skill. I can deal with nervous when i present in front of people. I have learnt how to speak in public. It also helps me improve my english. English subject is made me crazy. I didn't understand. My lecturer just talked and the students just listened. I had to ask my friend's help. I hope i can pass this subject in this trimester. C&L, we just studied how to write a portfolio, how to reflect our experience in real life and difference between group and team. This subject just base on remember and practice when i do community service.

One year i live far away my family, missing home and my country, but i need to forget and overcome it. One year study in AIU, there are sorrow and happiness. Now i just wanna say thank to Tan sri Albukhary, he gave me an opportunity to study here. I'll do my best to success. New year come, i want to give to all of our lecturers and all of friend in AIU a good year to success, good health and a lot of happiness will come to all of you. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013.

Monday 31 December 2012


Nowadays internet is increasing day by day. today i will talk about internet and world wide web.
1- Difference between internet and WWW:

2- Major networking and computing technologies introduction:

3- Internet past, present and future:

4- Web base computing:
Web current computing model include service side computing ( CGI) and client side computing.
there are limited computing models.
Were initially designed for processing fill-out form.

5- Computing using CGI:

6- Web based systems:
Compute server with
Dynamic Class Loader
Security Manager
Client (applet, CGI script, stand-alone)
Logging facilities
Searching for compute resources


How an email message may travel from a sender to reciever?

WEB 2.0

1- Elements of web 2.0

2- Categories of web 2.0: consist of social network, mashups and aggregators.
social network


mashups is a web site that takes different content from a number of other web sites and mixes them together to create a new kind of content.

Compare between web 1.0 and wed 2.0

WEB 3.0
Web 3.0 is about semantic web (or the meaning of data), personalization (e.g. iGoogle), intelligent search and behavioral advertising among other things .
 Web 3.0 is based on intelligent web applications using:
- Natural language processing
 Machine-based learning and reasoning
 Intelligent applications

Saturday 29 December 2012


This week I have learnt about web application. There are so may type of web
1-      Web application is a piece of software. It can run on the internet or computer or whatever electronic devices.

      Web browser   are software applications that allow users to retrieve data and interact with content located on web pages within a website

3-      Web pages are web document or we could call it HTML. There are two type of web pages: static web ( web 1.0) and dynamic web ( web 2.0)

a- Static web ( web 1.0) is a web page which can read only. This web allows the people search information and read it. The customer can’t allow to contribute this web.

b- Dynamic web (web 2.0) is dynamic interactive web site. It interaction between people, software , data and describe a typically combination of technology allowing user to interact with information.

Example of social site


4- Web site:
- A collection of related web pages found at a single address AND
- Web site  has unique address (URL) example: www.vietnamwork.com
Web 2.0 application: Google docs, Gmail, Web Conferencing videoconferencing: Webex, GoToMeeting blogging, MP3tunes, Jinzora. Social cataloging (Zotero)
Learning management systems / e-learning

-  Web Information System (WIS)

use web  as part of communication and paltform
Disseminate information (static or dynamic)
Share information
Conduct transactional business (B2C, C2C, B2B…)

Friday 14 December 2012



ISD methodologies is a collection of procedures, techniques, tools and documentation aids which will help the systems developers in their efforts to implement a new information system.

There are many different methodologies used in systems development
A methodology is a collection of:
Tools                                                     which will help the systems developers to implement a new information system
Documentation aids

- Project manager.
- Stakeholders ( anyone who involve environment).
- Users.
- System analyst (facilitytater).
- Programmers ( design the program).
- Support personnel.

strategic plans --> develop objective --> identify IS project -->  analyze resources --> set schedule and deadlines --> develop IS


a) Game and Sarsors (Stradis)

b) Stages
initial study ( identify the system) -> detail ( get the data from ISD and dentify the data)-> designing alternatives -> physical design ( jobs of programmer to design the systems)

c) Information Engieneer (IE)

d) Prototyping
Determine requirement -> analyze alternative -> specify design->implement design -> user review-> 

e) Structured approach (SDLC)
System investgation -> system analysis -> system design -> system implementation -. system Mainternance and review.


What are IS do?
IS exchange information.
IS easy to control information.
IS improve the product activity.
Function of CBIS:  - Support business operation, processing.
-          Support business decision making.
-          Support competitive advantage.
Type of IS
There are many types of IS. However, IS have 4 main types.
-          Transaction processing system (TPS).
-          Management information system (MIS).
-          Decision support system (DSS).
-          Execute support system (ESS)
-          Expert support system (ES).
-          Other is office support system, knowledge work system,..
Flow of information between MGT levels.

1.       TPS is CB information system, that capture and process data, recording a business activity.
TPS is the first level of IS.
2.       Features of TPS:
TPS is the input pf business processing. One TPS for each department.
TPS used by operational personnel and supervisory level.
TPS are monitor, collect, store and process data generated fron business transaction.
TPS is the backbone of an organization.
3.       Component of TPS:
ü  People:  user of information system is the person belonging the organasation that owns the transaction.
               Participant are the people who conduct the information processing as they directly enter.
ü  Hardware.
ü  Software
4.  Transaction processing system function:

1     MIS  is an intergrated collection of people, procudures, database and devices that provides managers and decision makers with information to help achieve organizational goals.
             MIS is collection of reports.
2.       Function of MIS:
Ø  To help organization achieve goals.
Ø  Provide right information to the right people at the right time and format.
Input of MIS is TPS ( data and information)
Output of MIS is reports include summary reports, demand reports, period reports.
3.       Features of MIS:
MIS used by middle managerial levels ( manager in department or super organizer.
MIS use internal data stored in computer systems
MIS produce several kinds of reports with fixed and standard formats.
MIS make/ support programmed ( structured) decision.
4. Scenario of MIS

1.       DSS is An organized collection of people, procedures, software, database and devices used to support problem – specific decision making.
2.       Features of DSS
Input include internal ( from TPS) and external ( from costumer,..) used to support unstructured problem.
Maily for tactical managers.
Consist of 4 part: user, software, data and decision model ( operation, technical, data model).
1.       ESS designed to support higher level of DM in organization. They help executives and senior managers analyse the environment in which the organization operates, to identify long-term trends, and to plan appropriate courses of action and present summary information designed for top executives.
2.       Characterist of EIS
-          TPS + MIS + DSS
-          Gaindirect access information about company.
-          Used only at the most senior management levels.
-          Use internak and external data sources.

1.       OVERVIEW:




Information systems ia a application of computer based IT combination of hardware software, infrastruture and trained personnel used to facilitate, planning, control, coordination, and decision making in an organization.
component of CBis: people, telecommunication, software, hardware, datbase and procedures.
Component of is hardware:
conclude computer equipment.
software: computer program that govern the operation of the computer.
finance software: process payroll, send bills to customers, provide managers with information to increase profit.
Database: is an organized collection of interrelated data.
people: who manage, run, program, maintain  the  systems.

Thursday 22 November 2012


What is IT?
IT is a term that refer to all torms of technology used to create, store, exchange and use information.
IT concept: it consist of IT architecture and IT infrastruture.
IT architecture is a map or plan of the information assets in an organisation. it plan and describe the systems in an organisation.
IT infrastruture conclude IT component, IT service and IT personnel that support an entire organisation.
IT component computer, hardware, software communication technology
IT personnel: the people who work with IT@IS.
What is ICT?
ICT is refer to information communication and technology. it manage information and can use that information.
ICT is similar to IT. but its focus on communication technology more than IT. It includes Internet, networks, cellphone and other communication mediums.

IT          +         MEDIA BROADCASTING        =   ICT

 The uses of ICT in education 
  • E-learning
  • equip computer Lab and classroom with computer.
  • tool: projector or smartboard.
the uses of ict in banking:

 ICT in business can be used to communicate
  • Between individuals
  • Between custumer and organisation
  • Between a business and an external organisation.

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