Saturday 29 December 2012


This week I have learnt about web application. There are so may type of web
1-      Web application is a piece of software. It can run on the internet or computer or whatever electronic devices.

      Web browser   are software applications that allow users to retrieve data and interact with content located on web pages within a website

3-      Web pages are web document or we could call it HTML. There are two type of web pages: static web ( web 1.0) and dynamic web ( web 2.0)

a- Static web ( web 1.0) is a web page which can read only. This web allows the people search information and read it. The customer can’t allow to contribute this web.

b- Dynamic web (web 2.0) is dynamic interactive web site. It interaction between people, software , data and describe a typically combination of technology allowing user to interact with information.

Example of social site


4- Web site:
- A collection of related web pages found at a single address AND
- Web site  has unique address (URL) example:
Web 2.0 application: Google docs, Gmail, Web Conferencing videoconferencing: Webex, GoToMeeting blogging, MP3tunes, Jinzora. Social cataloging (Zotero)
Learning management systems / e-learning

-  Web Information System (WIS)

use web  as part of communication and paltform
Disseminate information (static or dynamic)
Share information
Conduct transactional business (B2C, C2C, B2B…)


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