Thursday 22 November 2012


What is IT?
IT is a term that refer to all torms of technology used to create, store, exchange and use information.
IT concept: it consist of IT architecture and IT infrastruture.
IT architecture is a map or plan of the information assets in an organisation. it plan and describe the systems in an organisation.
IT infrastruture conclude IT component, IT service and IT personnel that support an entire organisation.
IT component computer, hardware, software communication technology
IT personnel: the people who work with IT@IS.
What is ICT?
ICT is refer to information communication and technology. it manage information and can use that information.
ICT is similar to IT. but its focus on communication technology more than IT. It includes Internet, networks, cellphone and other communication mediums.

IT          +         MEDIA BROADCASTING        =   ICT

 The uses of ICT in education 
  • E-learning
  • equip computer Lab and classroom with computer.
  • tool: projector or smartboard.
the uses of ict in banking:

 ICT in business can be used to communicate
  • Between individuals
  • Between custumer and organisation
  • Between a business and an external organisation.

Sunday 4 November 2012


  1. What is a computer?
A computer is a program machine that carried out what it has been instuctured to do.

     2. Generation of computer:

a). Pre computer and early computer ( before 1940s): Abucus

a). The first generation (1940 - 1950): Vacuum Tube

  • first electric computer used vacuum tube, they was huge and complex. The first general purpose computer was the ENIAC  (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) in 1945. It took up 167 square meters, weighed 27 tons, and consuming 150 kilowatts of power. it used by US Army to calculate and Design Hydrogen.

  • The other similar with this computer  of this era included german Z3, ten British Colossus computers, LEO, Harvard Mark I, and UNIVAC. UNIVAC used in 1950.
b). The second generation (1950 - 1964): Transistors.
  • The vacuum tubes have been placed by transistors. Most the computer used IBM 1401
  • This is a computer that has high level language such as COBOL, FORTRAN.

c). The third generation (1964 - 1974): Integrated circuit (IC)
combine thousands of transitor, entire circur on one computer.
d). The fourth generation (1974 - present): VLSI/ ULSI
e). The fifth generation ( now and future): 
Base on artificial intelligence.

  3. Categories of computer: depend on size, capa,..
  • embedded computer: mini computer into a specific product for a specific purpose such as DVD, washing machine,...
  • Mobile computer:
  • Pesonal computer: is a copmuter using for a single user at a time.
  • Midrange:
  • Mainframe:  is expensive, very powerful computer that can handle hundreds or thousand of connected users simultaneously.
Ex: use for company to control all computer in that company.
  • super computer: the fastest, most powerful, most expensive computer. Use for complex computation and processing.

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