Tuesday 1 January 2013


Good morning to everyone! let me introduce myself. My name's AMINA and I'm from Vietnam. Now i'm 22 years old. Like everyone, i have got schoolarship to study in AIU. First day i came here, actually my english was very bad. i could not understand whatever everyone talked. I felt so stressful at that time. However, After i studied 6 months IEP, my english was improved. Now i can speak and understand everyone. Studying in AIU gave me a lot of experience. Sometimes, i feel i can't do it, but i try to overcome and now i'm a foundation student. It's really good for me. I have met so many people from difference country. We communicate and make friends. Study here, sometimes, i missed my family, but i thought i had to success, because i wanted to help my family, help my parents. I'll try my best to be success person.
Let talk about foundation programme. FSP is a difficult program for me. This trimester i have 5 subject: IT, english, algebra, communication skill and C&L. IT i didn't understand anything. However now i can understand it. I have studied about internet, how to create a blog and how to create a website. It's really interesting me. I like to do blog. Besides, i have learnt about information management, IS and development of IS. Algebra is a subject that i don't need to spend my time much. Because all of problems i have studied in my country and i can solve all of problems about maths. Communication skill helps me improve and develop my skill. I can deal with nervous when i present in front of people. I have learnt how to speak in public. It also helps me improve my english. English subject is made me crazy. I didn't understand. My lecturer just talked and the students just listened. I had to ask my friend's help. I hope i can pass this subject in this trimester. C&L, we just studied how to write a portfolio, how to reflect our experience in real life and difference between group and team. This subject just base on remember and practice when i do community service.

One year i live far away my family, missing home and my country, but i need to forget and overcome it. One year study in AIU, there are sorrow and happiness. Now i just wanna say thank to Tan sri Albukhary, he gave me an opportunity to study here. I'll do my best to success. New year come, i want to give to all of our lecturers and all of friend in AIU a good year to success, good health and a lot of happiness will come to all of you. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013.

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